Sustainable Living: Plastic-free Deodorant

An important aspect of my lifestyle is to be environmentally conscious. I’ve been researching and testing various deodorants over the last two years and thought I’d share for those out there looking to decrease their use of single-use plastics. It is a lifestyle blog, after all! Here’s a share on a step towards a plastic-free lifestyle.

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Simone Biles wearing all of her career medals stands in front of the flag of the United States.

How Inside Out Can Teach Adults to Hold Multiple Emotions around Simone Bile’s Withdrawals

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Remember when Pixar’s Inside Out taught children that you can feel multiple things at a time? That a memory can be both happy and sad? That emotions are complicated and not everything is simplicistic?

There are some adults (mostly white men) who need to watch this in regards to Simone Biles.

You can feel both disappointment and pride over Simone Biles’s decisions not to compete in the 2020 Olympics. She can still be the GOAT and need to prioritize her mental and physical health. These are not mutually exclusive.

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My Journey to Fitness – A Year of Working Out

What started out as a 6-week program, turned into a year-long CrossFit adventure. And though it was expensive, it feels completely worth it.

Disclaimer first though: I do not support any of Greg Glassman’s racist and homophobic statements. I am glad he is not the CEO anymore of CrossFit HQ and more importantly that my gym will no longer be an affiliate. Now, onto my journey!

You may have noticed a break in blog writing. I got stuck in a toxic job that ate all of my energy and left no room for creative thinking. It also caused me to stop paying attention to my health – both mental and physical. A little over two years ago, I took a chance and quit that job, without another one lined up. I worked part time, consulting for a few months before landing a full-time limited duration position that turned into a regular job. I spent some time recovering, finding myself a bit, with my main focus on my mental and emotional health. I adopted a dog, bought a house, started dating again, joined a chorus that was 5 minutes away instead of an hour+, etc.

Then, a year ago, my physical fitness really came to the forefront of my mind. While I have never been an athlete or extremely fit person, I enjoy activities like hiking, swimming, biking, etc. When I realized that I could no longer finish my favorite hike, a nice shady crisscross uphill hike in Redwood Regional Park in Oakland, I knew I needed to make a change. I didn’t like being so unfit I couldn’t be physical.

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Dating in the time of COVID-19: Tips from a LDR Veteran

I know it’s been a while since I’ve published anything on this site. Other life priorities took precedence.

But as we all face this pandemic together, I was inspired (slash also had the time?) to share how I’m dealing with shelter-in-place as someone who is single, but dating. Dating is tricky, and I am by no means an expert. After having been in a long-distance relationship for years, however, I did get pretty good at virtual dating. It’s come in handy over the last few weeks. As we’re all virtual – and some states will be for at least another month – you may find this tips useful. Continue reading

Woman crouching to take pictures of flowers

Ireland, we have a problem out here…

There’s no way to talk about the rest of the summer without talking about a not-so-slight hitch that occurred the first Friday night of my trip. And that requires some background, so bare with me.

3 years ago, I graduated from my master’s program jobless, recovering from a stalker ex-boyfriend, and completely unsure what my next steps should be. I knew that in a few months when my apartment lease was up if I didn’t have a job the smartest choice was to move back to CA and live with my mom to avoid a rent I couldn’t afford. But while I love CA, I also love DC and so I kept searching for something that would reasonably keep me there. And as I tried to figure out that part of my life, I knew I had to get over the fear my ex had put in me. So I went on a few dates because I figured the chances were high I’d move across country and therefore I didn’t have to fully make myself vulnerable because I don’t think long distance relationships can work.

And then I met a guy who changed that. Continue reading

Black schoolgirl with molecular structure at the desk in chemistry laboratory

#MakeWhatsNext – Misses the Mark This Year

Three years ago, Microsoft launched a spring campaign to encourage girls to join STEM fields. Girls Do Science, the first of their ads, was inspirational. They gave girls hope – in the form of letters – that they could one day be the inventor, the maker. Year two (2016) gave them women to aspire to be. Inventors who made their mark in history.

This year, they released multiple advertisements in a row. The first two were great, again following the inspirational nature of the original campaign. The girls featured in the ad got to play with awesome technology (proving it is in fact still an advertisement for Microsoft products). They are even named inspirationally: Find the Cure and Be the Solution.
The third 2017 advertisement, however, dangerously misses the mark. Why dangerously? Because it follows the same common theme we teach girls and women (and honestly all minorities). Continue reading

I Voted sticker

Recovering from Election Woes

I feel like I’ve been mourning all month. It’s hard to explain to my more conservative friends and family. If the past year and half did not convince them of Trump’s danger, then explaining my grief at his success will not.

It was important to make space for such sadness. I am lucky to work at an organization that recognized that and encouraged people to take the time they needed. I was also lucky that family respected my heartache and did not push for discussion.

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Stanford, Turner, and the Unjust Rape Sentence

The sentencing in the Stanford rape that was announced yesterday is disgusting and a true injustice.

Why shouldn’t a man who violates another person have a “severe impact” as punishment for his wrong doing? When 12 people unanimously say you are guilty, when you believe that drinking was the problem and not your violence is the issue, when you blame someone else for you unconscionable actions, you deserve to be impacted, to face the consequences of your actions.

But, when you are a star athlete, of course, you are automatically a better person and don’t need heavy punishment. Right?

No. Being physically gifted should not entitle you to easier sentencing when you have done wrong. And yet, this is the message our society continually sends. If you have provided entertainment on a field or pool, you can get away with sexual assault. Continue reading